no post day on BnB

Yes, we're still here

Okay, I've received enough of the subtle (and not so subtle) emails, tweets and FB nudges about tumbleweeds rolling through BnB to take the hint: More posts, more often and hurry!

Sorry all, you know... life, 'tis the season, whatnot... 

This week, some thoughts on Mandiba and a Bougie Bachelor Chronicle for sure. Maybe one or two other things I've been kicking around. As a reminder, you can find me on BnB facebook page, on Twitter, or on my Tumblr which I'm getting better about updating.

See you tomorrow!

It's that time again

Just got BougieNiece off for her first year of college and now Book Five is due to my editor in about 10 days. If you've been asking for Katrina's story, third and final installment of The Montgomery series? This book is for you. Even if you haven't and have no idea who Katrina is... my books are out there (check out the sidebar) feel free to use this time to catch up! (Shameless plug)

Those of you who have been here before already know the drill. I'm around but not really. Talk to you after Labor Day! Feel free to chat amongst yourselves...

Bougie Down

Okay... it all caught up with me. The packing, the moving, the 100 degrees of it all. The book promoting, the new book writing, the unpacking. I'm toast folks. Burned toast at that. So I'm going to take the next few days to recoup: relax, relate, release and whatnot. Be back next week with my usual brand of sophisticated snark. Bougie bylines. Well-crafted witticisms? At any rate, I'll be back.